Healthy Life

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Retain Vitamin C

How to prepare foods to retain vitamin C

Vitamin C can be lost from foods during preparation, cooking, or storage. To prevent loss of vitamin C:

  • Serve fruits and vegetables raw whenever possible.

  • Cooking of vegetables and fruits for longer periods of time (10-20 minutes) can result in a loss of over one half the total vitamin C content.

  • When fruits and vegetables are canned and then reheated, only 1/3 of the original Vitamin C content may be left.

  • Steam, boil, or simmer foods in a very small amount of water, or microwave them for the shortest time possible.

  • Cook potatoes in their skins. Be sure to wash the dirt off the outside of the potato.

  • Refrigerate prepared juices and store them for no more than two to three days.

  • Store cut, raw fruits and vegetables in an airtight container and refrigerate—do not soak or store in water. Vitamin C will be dissolved in the water.